Using tech to make money
Hi, I'm Scott Braden.I help my clients use tech to make money. I've helped thousands of companies create billions - yes, billions - of dollars in enterprise value, by choosing, implementing, and operating the right software to automate their processes.I believe in value first and skin in the game, so I always deliver minimum 5X cash return net. Usually more.Some recent Examples:An Alabama-based medical equipment company saved over $1 million on their $7 million software, in less than 1 month of total project duration. The client realized 556% ROI on our fee.A Texas energy company saved 43% - over $1 million on a major upgrade to their core software systems, also in less than one month from introduction to close.A chemical manufacturer based in Florida, saved over $3 million on their internal tech costs, despite a complex, messy physical asset control environment with many different locations, hardware, software, factory devices, and part time users.A British financial company saved over €1.1 million in a complex multi-contract, multi-national, multi-company carve-out transaction involving offices in 5 countries, and client staff on 3 continents.We worked with a major US defense contractor on a combined cloud and on-premise automation project, resulting in client saving over $7 million off of the $32 million price for this large tech project.These results are consistent across industries, suppliers, and geography.HOW:By focusing on your goals (revenue growth, predictable results, cost savings, digital transformation, security, enablement), with a winning mindset and a very experienced, process focused project team.Get started - schedule a call hereWhat do clients think? Here are a few:
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